Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reasons Why Women Should Strength Train


Reasons Why Women Should Strength Train

Lifting heavy weights won't make the ladies turn into the next "Incredible Hulk" because females simply do not have the testosterone levels to pack on tons of mass. Compare testosterone levels in a man to the amount in a woman and you find a large gap. Testosterone is the primary muscle-building hormone in the body. Since women have significantly less testosterone, they cannot put on muscle mass as easily as men. In addition, most women don't consume enough calories to create the mass. To become "bulky", you would have to eat excessive calories daily, add supplementation, and then lift heavy weights on a regular basis.

1. Calorie burn

It takes more energy (calories) for your body to maintain muscle cells than it does fat cells. Heavier weight offers women a higher metabolic rate. Since you work against a high degree of resistance with heavy weights, you create tiny muscular tears throughout the body. You will expend a greater number of calories post-workout to repair those tiny tears, thus increasing your overall calorie requirements.

2. Greater Muscle Definition

When you lift light weight, the muscles are barely challenged. As a result, your muscles won't feel any need to adapt (grow) since they can easily handle what you throw at them. Push yourself harder and take the weight up to the next level - that's when you see muscle definition and form improve.

3. Improved Functional Strength

Since you get much stronger by lifting heavier weights, everyday activities will get much easier over time. Muscularity also means a lower chance of injury if you participate in sports or other activities.

4. Strong Bones

Lifting weights can be your best defense against osteoporosis. When you lift weights you engage muscles that pull on the tendons which, in turn, pull on the bones. This added stress makes bones stronger.

5. Happier and less stressed

Weight training has the power to induce pleasure by releasing endorphins, the “feel-good” chemical in your brain. In addition, exercise reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, relieving feelings of anxiety and agitation.

6. Reduces the risk of diabetes

Lifting weights helps improve the way your body processes sugar, which can help prevent diabetes. And if you already have diabetes, research shows that extended periods of strength training improve blood sugar control as well as taking a diabetes drug. In fact, the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise may be even more beneficial than drugs.

7. Fight The Aging Process

It’s inevitable. We are all getting old. By loading your body/bones with weights and exercising with big movements (i.e. Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press), you are increasing your bone mineral density and strengthening your joints. You will be at a lower risk for breaking your bones, feel less aches and pains and not see as drastic of a decline in your metabolism as you would if you never lifted.

8. Mommyhood preparation 

The stronger your body, the greater your body will be able to withstand the weight gain during your pregnancy and the faster you will be able to shed the pounds after you give birth. 

9. Empower Yourself

When you lift weights, you are adding a new fulfilling dimension to your life. When you commit yourself to your new lifestyle of lifting weights, you are challenging yourself mentally in ways that you never have before.  Imagine how this new found sense of empowerment could carry over into other areas of your life?

10. Makes your ass look good

Just Saying!

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


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