Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Benefits of Deadlifting

The Benefits of Deadlifting

There’s really something magical about the Deadlift


What Muscles Does the Deadlift Work

Since the deadlift is a compound movement it utilizes nearly every major muscle of your body:

• Spinal Erectors
• Quads
• Glutes
• Hamstrings
• Lower Back
• Middle and Upper Trapezius
• Abdominals and Obliques
• Lats
• Calves

Deadlifting Benefits

  1. Burn calories
  2. Improved posture
  3. Build total body strength
  4. Work many muscle groups
  5. Sculpt the core
  6. Blast the glutes and hamstrings
  7. Unlike squats or the bench press, you don’t risk being pinned under a heavy weight. If your forearms or back give out you can bail and drop the weight safely
  8. Deadlifts prevent injury. They strengthen the back and prevent lower back pain
  9. Deadlifts have practical, real life application.
  10. Deadlifts are a high-intensity cardiovascular workout. They work your heart and help raise VO2Max — your body’s ability to transport and use oxygen during exercise (it’s an indicator of your level of cardiovascular fitness).
  11. Deadlifts require very limited equipment. All you need is a barbell and some plates. Dumbbells/kettlebells work too

How To Do A Deadlift

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a barbell.
  2. Squat down and grip the barbell so that your forearms just touch the outside of your thighs. The bar should be rolled up against your shins.
  3. Tighten your core, stick out your butt, puff out your chest, and keep your back straight throughout the entire movement. Maintaining perfect posture is 100% necessary.
  4. Drive your heels and hamstrings into the ground and simultaneously raise your upper body into the standing position as you exhale. *Exhale as your lift, inhale on the way down.*As you ascend with your legs and hips make sure to also ascend with your back and shoulders.
  5. Once the weight is up and your back’s straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lean back slightly. Hold that position for 1 second.
  6. Slowly return the weight to the ground by bending at the knees and simultaneously leaning your torso forward. Keep your back straight during the descent. 

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


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