Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Benefits of Spinning

The Benefits of Spinning

A spinning workout is an excellent way to burn some calories! The workout employs a stationary bike, which has various tension levels. There are numerous benefits to a spinning workout.

1. Burn Calories

A spinning workout of 45 minutes may allow you to burn around 500 calories, which is a huge amount when compared to other types of workout. However, the amount of calories you burn will depend on the intensity of the workout.

2. Build Muscle Tone

The spinning workout may help you build some muscle tone. The workout will focus on the core muscles, as well as the buttocks and thighs. You can increase and decrease the tension of the bike; this is similar to riding up and down a hill. While you pedal, you will work your thighs and calves. If you maintain the correct position on the bike, you will also work on your abdominal muscles. When you pedal faster, you are likely to burn fat. When you pedal slower and have a higher tension, you will work your muscles.

3. Increased Cardio Endurance

If you opt for regular spinning classes, you will build increased cardio endurance.

4. Low Impact Exercise

A spinning workout is a low impact exercise. This means that it won't put pressure on knees and joints, as other aerobic or running exercises do. The workout is also recommended for people that suffer from arthritis.

5. Relieve Stress

Any type of exercise is known to relieve stress. However, a spinning class can be a more efficient stress reliever than most types of exercise. This is due to the fact that the workout is intensive and it is a class where you can meet people and socialize.

Spinning classes are held by an instructor that will motivate you throughout the workout. In addition, there will be music, which will make the class more entertaining!

6. Reduced Risks of Injury

While running and jogging may present a high risk of injury, a spinning class is less likely to cause any injuries. However, it's recommended to stretch/ foam roll prior to the class, so that you don't pull any muscles.

7. Adjustable Tempo

The stationary bike will have adjustable tensions, which you can change during the class. Your trainer can indicate when to change the tension, or you can adjust it according to your abilities and fitness goals.

8. Can Be Done Year Round

Unlike other types of activities such as jogging, which can be unpleasant when performed during the months with extreme temperatures, a spinning class can be performed at any time during the year.

Check out your gym schedule and try out a spin class or look for a local spinning studio, such as Soul Cycle or Flywheel!



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Positive Thinking and Happiness

Positive Thinking and Happiness

It's time to focus on our mental fitness! You can boost your happiness by focusing on positive things and reducing your negative thinking. The ratio of positive to negative thoughts is a major factor in overall happiness. Your brain is constantly monitoring the emotional tone of your thoughts – too many negative thoughts and your brain responds by creating stress and sadness in your body. When you add more positive thoughts, your brain will create relaxation and happiness. By training yourself to follow (or negate) negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll improve your positive/negative thought ratio and be happier.

After you’re aware of your negative thoughts and feelings and work to counteract them for a few days, they will gradually begin to lessen. You’ll be able to concentrate more on what you want to do without experiencing distracting emotions and stress. This will make you more productive and energetic. Best of all, it will make you happier.

The Steps

  • List Happy Thoughts:

Take 30 minutes and list all the happy thoughts you can think of. Just use a piece of paper and make a long list, give it a good 30 minutes. List people and places that make you happy – good friends, favorite vacation spots, childhood memories and more. List things that make you happy – puppies, babies, the smell of a new car, a lobster dinner, a day off relaxing by a pool. List anything and everything you can think of that makes you happy.
  • Be Aware of Negative Thoughts and Feelings:

For the entire week, pay attention to your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about or feeling anything negative, sad or stressful, label that thought “unhappy.” Don’t worry if you have a lot of unhappy thoughts and feelings throughout the day, that is perfectly normal. Just pay attention and label them.
  • Follow With a Happy Item:

After you label an unhappy thought or feeling, follow it immediately with a happy item from your Happy List. You might pick one item to use all day long, or choose different ones each time you need them. Just bring that the happy thing to mind for a second or two.


  • Don’t judge yourself. Everyone has lots of unhappy and negative thoughts throughout the day.
  • Combine this task with smiling. Force a smile on your face as you bring your happy thought to your mind. This will help erase the effects of the negative thoughts.
  • After a few days, the number of negative thoughts and feelings often decreases. It’s almost as if the brain gets bored being negative, because you replace the thoughts so quickly with positive ones.
  • Be sure to remind yourself to do this task throughout the day. Don’t let a day go by without engaging with your negative thoughts and substituting positive ones.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Benefits of Deadlifting

The Benefits of Deadlifting

There’s really something magical about the Deadlift


What Muscles Does the Deadlift Work

Since the deadlift is a compound movement it utilizes nearly every major muscle of your body:

• Spinal Erectors
• Quads
• Glutes
• Hamstrings
• Lower Back
• Middle and Upper Trapezius
• Abdominals and Obliques
• Lats
• Calves

Deadlifting Benefits

  1. Burn calories
  2. Improved posture
  3. Build total body strength
  4. Work many muscle groups
  5. Sculpt the core
  6. Blast the glutes and hamstrings
  7. Unlike squats or the bench press, you don’t risk being pinned under a heavy weight. If your forearms or back give out you can bail and drop the weight safely
  8. Deadlifts prevent injury. They strengthen the back and prevent lower back pain
  9. Deadlifts have practical, real life application.
  10. Deadlifts are a high-intensity cardiovascular workout. They work your heart and help raise VO2Max — your body’s ability to transport and use oxygen during exercise (it’s an indicator of your level of cardiovascular fitness).
  11. Deadlifts require very limited equipment. All you need is a barbell and some plates. Dumbbells/kettlebells work too

How To Do A Deadlift

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a barbell.
  2. Squat down and grip the barbell so that your forearms just touch the outside of your thighs. The bar should be rolled up against your shins.
  3. Tighten your core, stick out your butt, puff out your chest, and keep your back straight throughout the entire movement. Maintaining perfect posture is 100% necessary.
  4. Drive your heels and hamstrings into the ground and simultaneously raise your upper body into the standing position as you exhale. *Exhale as your lift, inhale on the way down.*As you ascend with your legs and hips make sure to also ascend with your back and shoulders.
  5. Once the weight is up and your back’s straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lean back slightly. Hold that position for 1 second.
  6. Slowly return the weight to the ground by bending at the knees and simultaneously leaning your torso forward. Keep your back straight during the descent. 

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


Sunday, November 4, 2012



“There are two days in every week about which we should not worry.
Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is YESTERDAY with its mistakes and cares,
Its faults and blunders, Its aches and pains.
YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control.
All the money in the world cannot bring back YESTERDAY.
We cannot undo a single act we performed.
We cannot erase a single word we said. YESTERDAY is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROW.
With its possible adversities, Its burdens,
Its large promise and poor performance.
TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.
TOMORROW‘s Sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds,
but it will rise.
Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROW, for it is yet unborn.
This just leaves only one day . . . TODAY.
Any person can fight the battles of just one day.
It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternity’s -
YESTERDAY and TOMORROW that we break down.
It is not the experience of  TODAY that drives people mad.
It is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAY.
and the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.
Let us therefore LIVE BUT ONE DAY AT A TIME.”
~ Author Unknown

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy The Swinger - Hurricane Workout Routine

Hope you all are staying safe through the storm and aftermath!!! My hometown got hit pretty bad and will continue to be out of power for the next 7-10 days! In any case, I got in a pretty good workout sess today!

I bring you Sandy The Swinger:

*Credit to Tim for the workout name!*

-I completed 3 rounds of the following sets.

-Rep ranges were 12x each, unless otherwise noted

-TRX push up/ burpee/ reverse crunch

-TRX wide grip row/ jump squat/ TRX plank (30 really fun seconds)/ full body sit up

-TRX close grip row/ TRX single leg lunge/ Plyo lunge/ TRX pike/ TRX adduction

- Finished up with 60 seconds of Jumping jax

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True

P.S. I'm having kettlebell withdrawal!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't Let Halloween Do Your Diet In

Don't Let Halloween Do Your Diet In
Use the below simple strategies to conquer candy cravings during Halloween.

Buy late. Avoid stocking up on Halloween candy ahead of time, even if it's on sale. Giant bags of sweets sitting on your table or in your cabinet several days or even weeks before the big day is way too tempting. Head to the store next week, or even the day before, and buy only as much as you think you'll need.

Be picky. When shopping for Halloween candy, choose sweets you don't like. If you can't fight your love of chocolate, opt for Skittles or Sour Patch Kids instead of M&Ms and Hershey bars. That way, even if they're lying around, you're not tempted to dig in.

Give out other goodies.
The neighborhood kid may not agree, but you don't have to give out candy on Halloween. Healthier treats, like packaged pretzels or dried fruit, are good alternatives. You can even opt for non-food goodies, such as pencils or stickers.

Go trick-or-treating. Head outside with your kids for a walk around the neighborhood. You'll burn off some calories and get a break from the candy bowl.

Lighten your load. If you notice you have a lot of candy left in your bowl towards the end of the night, start giving out more generous portions to the trick-or-treaters. Your ultimate goal is to end the day with an empty bowl -- without you having to eat any of it!

Eat before you go out. If you're heading to a Halloween party, be sure to have a healthy meal or snack beforehand. A piece of fruit and part-skim string cheese, or even peanut butter and jelly on whole-wheat bread, are both good choices. That way, you'll keep your appetite in check, which will make it less likely that you'll give into the treats at the party.

Share leftovers. If you do have any candy left over afterward, bring it into work and share with co-workers.

Indulge wisely. It's OK to allow yourself to enjoy a little candy -- just be sure you do so carefully. For instance, pay attention to portion sizes. Mini-sized candies can be a good choice as long as you can cut yourself off after one or two. If not, you might want to opt for hard candies or lollipops because they're lower in calories and they last longer.

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake Recipe

Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake Recipe
  • 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
  • 6 oz almond milk
  • ½ cup pure canned pumpkin
  • 1-5 drops vanilla extract
  • 4 oz water (more for a thinner shake, less for a thicker shake)
  • Ice
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice to taste
  • Blend all ingredients to desired consistency

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


How to Find Time to Exercise – However Busy You Are


We all know we should get more exercise, but most of us are not nearly as active as we want to be. However busy you may be, exercise is important! It isn’t just a way to cut your risk of future health problems , it also gives you more energy on a day-to-day basis, and will help you feel on top of things in a hectic life.

Here’s how to find time to exercise, without letting busyness stop you.

Step #1: Don’t Fixate on the Gym

Some people equate “exercise” with hour-long gym sessions. You don’t need an expensive, complicated or time-consuming routine in order to get the health benefits of exercise.

If you’re too busy to get to the gym, try a brisk 20 minute walk during your lunch hour.

If possible, have a more active commute: walk to work, get off the subway/bus one stop before yours, take the stairs, or cycle instead of driving.

Do it: Look at your typical daily schedule, and find a way to get at least 20 minutes of exercise. You might find this easiest if you break it into two 10 minute sessions.

Step #2: Make Exercise a Priority

Even if you don’t consciously prioritize your tasks, you almost certainly have a sense of what’s important and what’s not. When you’re busy, you can’t handle absolutely everything that comes your way – you need to decide what truly matters. If you tell yourself that exercise is a priority for you, you’ll find it easier to make time for it.

One good way to do this is to be active for at least for a few minutes. You can do it first thing in the morning – even if that makes setting your alarm ten minutes earlier.

Do it: Write down at least three reasons why exercise matters to you. Now, look for a way to make exercise a priority in your life.

Step #3: Track Your Progress

One good way to stick with your plan is is to keep a record of the exercise that you do. This could be as simple as putting a check mark on the calendar for each day that you successfully do 20 minutes or more of exercise.

If you want something more involved, you could keep an exercise log in a little notebook or spreadsheet, recording what you did at each session, and for how long.

Do it: Decide on a way to track your progress: something that will work well for you. Don’t make your tracking system so complex that you put off using it, though.

If you’re truly so busy that you can’t find 20 minutes a day to exercise, look for ways to cut back on some of your other commitments!

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Normal Weight Fluctuations

Normal Weight Fluctuations



Weight fluctuations happen to everyone. One of the leading causes of weight fluctuations is water retention. You retain water due to factors such as hormone fluctuations, increased in sodium intake, the weather, decreased fluid intake, increased intake of starchy foods and the effects of certain medications. If you begin a new exercise program you may also notice a temporary weight increase as you build lean muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat tissue.


You cannot prevent all weight fluctuations. However, dietary and lifestyle changes may help limit them. Avoid water retention by controlling the level of sodium and water in your body. Limit your sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day and increase your water intake enough to keep your urine color clear to light yellow -- approximately 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. If you are 51 years old or older or suffer from hypertension, diabetes or kidney disease, keep your sodium intake below 1,500 mg each day. Your fluid requirements increase during hot weather and during exercise.

Weight Tracking

If you chose to track your weight using a scale, you increase your likelihood of seeing your weight vary from day to day or week to week. Aim to weigh yourself at the same time of day, on the same day of the week, wearing the same clothes and using the same scale.

Eating and drinking

Weighing yourself after eating a meal or drinking a large amount will give you a falsely high measurement. Weighing yourself after you sweat a lot, such as after working out, will give you a falsely low reading.

Sodium intake

The large amount of sodium leads to water retention and a falsely high weight.


A meal high in simple carbohydrates will also cause you to hold water and temporarily raise weight. Similarly, high protein and low carbohydrate diets give a false impression of weight loss when the body is simply losing carbohydrate and water weight.


Water retention, and therefore weight, fluctuates with a woman's menstrual cycle.


If normal weight fluctuations cause you distress, see below for some alternative solutions for tracking progress.
  • Measure your weight loss by monitoring how your clothes fit.
  • Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your Chest, waist, hips, thighs, calves and arms.
  • Track body fat%, instead of weight.
  • Weigh yourself weekly at the same time of day in the same clothing to get the most accurate weight.
  • Keep in mind that weighing yourself later in the day will produce a higher reading.
Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True



Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Best Foods to Build Lean Muscle

The Best Foods to Build Lean Muscle

Strengthening the body not only adds to your appearance, but decreases the risk of sickness and injury. An increase in lean muscle also speeds metabolism and dramatically improves your overall health and vitality. However, muscle does not grow by lifting weights alone, proper nutrition is essential. Below is a list of some of the best foods to help build lean muscle mass.


Fat-Free Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has up to double the protein of traditional yogurt while cutting your carb intake. Too many carbs can slow the progress of your muscle-building routine.

Cottage Cheese

For a low-fat, muscle-building snack, cottage cheese is your best choice. Whey protein, an effective and often expensive bodybuilding supplement, is made from cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is very rich in casein, a dairy protein which digests slowly. Cottage cheese eaten shortly before bed will give your muscles the protein they need to rebuild overnight.

Low-Fat Milk

Milk has lots of protein, and it also contains 264 mg of calcium, which plays a role in muscle development as well as bone strength.

Lean Meat

Anyone trying to gain lean muscle mass should get plenty of lean red meat. Red meat offers advantages that other protein sources don't, including high amounts of iron and essential amino acids.

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is very high in protein, low in fat, easy to prepare and is easily incorporated into most styles of cooking.


Although meat nets lots of muscle-enhancing protein, it is also often loaded with unhealthy substances like saturated fat and cholesterol that can put a crimp in your workout. Skinless Poultry is generally the smart choice.

Canned Salmon

Salmon is a lean source of muscle-enhancing protein, just like tuna, but unlike tuna it contains more heart-healthy omega-3 oils and lower levels of toxins like mercury.


An egg nets you a whopping 7 g of protein. Unlike many other forms of protein, it's considered "perfect" in that it contains all of the amino acids your body needs. Eggs are also extremely versatile when it comes to cooking. Keep in mind that eggs also contain cholesterol, so either opt for a yolk-free egg product or discuss your dietary plans with your doctor if you already suffer from cholesterol problems.


Packed with protein, shrimp has little fat and is an excellent source of vitamin D, a vital nutrient that has few sources. Furthermore, it contains iron and the antioxidant selenium.

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True



Thursday, October 4, 2012

Reasons Why Women Should Strength Train


Reasons Why Women Should Strength Train

Lifting heavy weights won't make the ladies turn into the next "Incredible Hulk" because females simply do not have the testosterone levels to pack on tons of mass. Compare testosterone levels in a man to the amount in a woman and you find a large gap. Testosterone is the primary muscle-building hormone in the body. Since women have significantly less testosterone, they cannot put on muscle mass as easily as men. In addition, most women don't consume enough calories to create the mass. To become "bulky", you would have to eat excessive calories daily, add supplementation, and then lift heavy weights on a regular basis.

1. Calorie burn

It takes more energy (calories) for your body to maintain muscle cells than it does fat cells. Heavier weight offers women a higher metabolic rate. Since you work against a high degree of resistance with heavy weights, you create tiny muscular tears throughout the body. You will expend a greater number of calories post-workout to repair those tiny tears, thus increasing your overall calorie requirements.

2. Greater Muscle Definition

When you lift light weight, the muscles are barely challenged. As a result, your muscles won't feel any need to adapt (grow) since they can easily handle what you throw at them. Push yourself harder and take the weight up to the next level - that's when you see muscle definition and form improve.

3. Improved Functional Strength

Since you get much stronger by lifting heavier weights, everyday activities will get much easier over time. Muscularity also means a lower chance of injury if you participate in sports or other activities.

4. Strong Bones

Lifting weights can be your best defense against osteoporosis. When you lift weights you engage muscles that pull on the tendons which, in turn, pull on the bones. This added stress makes bones stronger.

5. Happier and less stressed

Weight training has the power to induce pleasure by releasing endorphins, the “feel-good” chemical in your brain. In addition, exercise reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, relieving feelings of anxiety and agitation.

6. Reduces the risk of diabetes

Lifting weights helps improve the way your body processes sugar, which can help prevent diabetes. And if you already have diabetes, research shows that extended periods of strength training improve blood sugar control as well as taking a diabetes drug. In fact, the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise may be even more beneficial than drugs.

7. Fight The Aging Process

It’s inevitable. We are all getting old. By loading your body/bones with weights and exercising with big movements (i.e. Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press), you are increasing your bone mineral density and strengthening your joints. You will be at a lower risk for breaking your bones, feel less aches and pains and not see as drastic of a decline in your metabolism as you would if you never lifted.

8. Mommyhood preparation 

The stronger your body, the greater your body will be able to withstand the weight gain during your pregnancy and the faster you will be able to shed the pounds after you give birth. 

9. Empower Yourself

When you lift weights, you are adding a new fulfilling dimension to your life. When you commit yourself to your new lifestyle of lifting weights, you are challenging yourself mentally in ways that you never have before.  Imagine how this new found sense of empowerment could carry over into other areas of your life?

10. Makes your ass look good

Just Saying!

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True


Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Jump Rope Like A Pro

How to Jump Rope Like A Pro

The jump rope can be a great cardio exercise if you know how to jump rope properly. Not only does jumping rope help you burn a ton of calories and improve your speed and quickness, it’s also cheap and you can do it just about anywhere!

1) Jump on the Balls of your feet
When you jump rope, try to softly jump up and down on the balls on your feet. Your heels should never touch the ground, which is one reason why jumping rope is a serious calves workout!

2) Don’t Jump too High, Relax
If you’re trying to get in a rhythm and jump rope for more than 30 seconds without burning yourself out, keep your jumps as small as possible without tying up the jump rope.

3) Don’t Swing your Arms/Shoulders too Much
Jumping rope is all in the wrists. Jumping rope effectively is all about the efficiency of the revolutions. If you are using your arms and shoulders while jumping very high, jumping rope becomes a VERY difficult cardio activity. Just use your wrists in a circular motion.

4) Use the Correct Rope Length
The jump rope by putting it under your feet, the handles should reach your sternum. Much higher, or lower will affect the rhythm and make jumping rope much harder. The jump rope should tick the ground each revolution, which also makes it easier to count reps and get in a rhythm.

5) Hands Slightly Above Waistline
Hand position is important and this is also dependent on the length of the rope you have. Your arms should be comfortably bent, hands placed about a foot from your sides and about waist level.

6) Get in a Rhythm
Getting in a rhythm can make jumping rope easier and more fun. I like to complete a certain number of revolutions, or reps in a certain amount of time, let’s say a pace of roughly 150 reps per 60 seconds. It’s really up to you what feels comfortable and what type of workout you are doing.

7) Contact Zone
Carpet will make your rope bounce, there's no way around it, you have to jump higher than normal if you are on carpet. Each surface type has it's own characteristics and you should be aware of them before you get out there and strut your stuff.

If you have a choice in surfaces, a suspended wood floor is the best for your joints, plus it can give you some extra bounce in case you want to get up really high. Try to avoid concrete if possible since it will wear you out faster, it's also not good on your knees.

8) Practice makes permanent
This is by far the most important tip of all!

First, start out with the rope behind you, then:
a) Do one jump rope rep then stop
b) Do two jump rope reps, then stop
c) Keep on going

This progressive strategy helps prevent, or unlearn the dreaded “double hop”, which is when you hop twice in between every revolution. It’s really just a matter of putting in the practice, next thing you know, you’re jumping rope like a pro!

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Best Sources of Protein for Vegeterians

The Best Sources of Protein for Vegeterians

Vegeterians often hear from their flesh-eating friends that they're not getting enough protein! This has been a growing topic of conversation in my family as we have a lot more vegans/vegeterians than we used to! There is even a chance that the average vegetarian can consume more protein than necessary! I am here to debunk this myth (you're welcome sissy).

Milk and Eggs
The term "vegetarian" typically refers to people who refrain from eating meat, chicken and fish, but do eat milk and eggs. Both milk and eggs are excellent sources of complete protein. One large egg contains about 6 g protein. A glass of milk contains 8 g protein. One ounce of cheese -- such as mozzarella, Swiss or cheddar -- contains about 7 g protein. Four glasses of milk a day can provide the entire daily requirement of protein for a growing child.

Soybeans, unlike most foods from plant sources, are a complete protein. Half a cup of firm tofu contains about 20 g protein. Half a cup of tempeh contains 15 g, while a cup of soy milk contains 8 g protein. One cup of Lima beans contain 10 g protein. One cup of baked beans contains 12 g. Kidney and pinto beans contain even higher amounts --- about 15 g per cup. A cup of split peas provides over 16 g protein.

Grains are incomplete proteins, but when combined with foods, such as beans, they provide a good source of complete protein. Whole grains contain more protein than processed white grains. A cup of cooked brown rice contains 5 g, and the same amount of white rice contains about 4 g. One cup of cooked bulgur contain 6 g protein. A cup of quinoa provides 9 g protein.

*Grains and legumes don't have to be consumed together; as long as you eat both on the same day, your body can combine their amino acids to complete proteins.

SeitanSeitan is prepared from the protein-rich gluten of wheat flour and serves as an apt alternative for meat sources of protein and also a relief for people suffering from soy allergies. A single serving of white wave seitan gives you about 18 grams of protein and proves to be richer source of protein than milk.

You could gain around 31 grams of protein on eating one cup of flaxseed.

There are many vegetables that form healthy protein sources. Some of the vegetables rich in proteins have been listed below.
  • Cucumbers
  • Tomatoes
  • Artichokes
  • Lettuce
  • Turnip greens
  • Eggplant
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Beets
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Green pepper
  • Spinach
  • Green peas etc are some of them.

Fruits have always been promoted as a good source of protein. Orange, pineapple, tangerine, apple, grapefruit etc are some of those fruits, that can form a part of your protein rich diet.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

How To Stop Overeating at Night

How To Stop Overeating at Night

How many times have you gone all day, sticking to your diet, and then you blew it by overeating at night? I think we have all done it at one point or another!! At night, the body actually needs less food than at other times of the day since it is metabolically less active. We will look into some ways to help prevent the nighttime eating!

Eat a healthy breakfast:

Start your day with a healthy breakfast. If you don't eat breakfast your body struggles to maintain the sugar levels in your blood, making you crave for candies and sweets. Without breakfast, you are less likely to make healthy choices or might skip other meals, making you more vulnerable to overeat later at night.

Eat regular meals:

In order to keep your blood glucose within normal levels and avoid fluctuations in your insulin response, you should consume small and regular meals through the day. If you don't have a balanced diet and you only eat at the end of the day, you will feel ravenously hungry creating conditions that lead to overeating at night: your body is attempting to compensate for all the energy it lost during the day. Try not to go more than 3 or 4 hours without eating something.

Emotional Eating:

Avoid emotional eating or eating to cope with stress. Many times stress leads to overeating at night. Cope with stress in healthy ways that don't involve food, i.e. exercise.

Adjust Your Diet:

If you’re eating a lot of simple carbs as part of your diet like white rice, crackers, popped corn, and other fake sugars, sometimes they can cause real cravings. Try to avoid simple carbs in favor of whole veggie or whole fruit carbs that have fiber, which will fill you up. Add protein whenever possible.

Drink Something:

Hot tea with honey or warm water with lemon can help you feel as if you’re indulging when you’re really not.

Get Rid of Junk:

It’s called “junk” food for a reason, it’s not even food. Why keep it in the house when you know how the aftermath will feel?

Brush Your Teeth:

Anytime you feel the urge to indulge, try brushing your teeth. The toothpaste will give you a nice flavor in your mouth and will satisfy the idea hunger.

Go to Bed:

If it’s close to your normal bedtime, just go to bed. You are likely eating because you are tired!

Stay Fit. Stay Classy. Stay True
